Hi, I'm Ferran.
Since I was a kid, I have been awesomed about all the stuff related to computers. Then, when Internet arrived, I went deep to this new world of possibilities and convert it to my passion.
Then I was enlighted by Linux and all the topics that bring the open source community.
Recently, I've developed a deep passion for astrophotography, spending my nights capturing the beauty of stars, planets, and other deep sky objects. It's fascinating to observe the intricate details of the night sky and translate them into stunning images. Alongside this, I also enjoy 3D printing various objects, from practical tools to random creative designs.
Few years ago, I was working on Drill project, a HTTP load testing application written in Rust. On the other hand, I'm working on tmux-thumbs project, a hint picker for Tmux.
Since 2017, I work at Factorial, a Human Resources platform, improving the platform from frontend to infrastructure stuff. React, RoR and Terraform are the current stack for this platform.
From 2012 to 2017, I helped build, and grow Redbooth (aka, Teambox) a project management platform for teams.
Last but not least, I'm proud to mention that I collaborated since 2014 developing all the required web infrastructure for The Green Vintage, an event management agency.
Email: fcsonline@gmail.com
Github: @fcsonline
Twitter: @openfcsonline